Saturday 28 July 2012

     9 ways to cope with Asthma 
Asthma means twitchy airway, Dr.Peter creticos who is an allergist from Maryland says your bronchial airways suddenly contract, you fell tightness in your chest , tou become a short of breath, and you cough and wheeze.
According to Dr. William ziering, a Fresno, California Allergist in the under 40 age group, probably 90% of asthma is triggered by an Allergy, trees, grass pollens, weeds and animal fluff, house dust mites and mould are the biggest allergic triggers for asthma . after 40 it is triggered  mostly by some form of long disorder such as emphysema.
But you don’t need to ansulate your self  in a vaccum from all of the causes of asthma mentioned above you can fight it the natural way as follow,
1 Stay out of smoke-filled rooms  
People with asthma should abstain from smoking if someone in the house smokes, it leads to worsening of asthma, people with asthma should make sure the proper ventilations in their rooms especially in winter.  
Wood stoves and fire places can cause significant trouble for people with asthma if you must make a fire, be sure the wood stove and chimney are airtight in order to reduce the amount of particulates released in to your room- and your lungs also.
3. Take an Antacid at bed time  
Your full stomach might also feed your asthma during your sleep. Asthma can be caused by stomach reflex- a condition in which acids backs up in to your oesphagus from your stomach, your stomach contents may leak out a little and drip down in to your airway while you’re lying down, Prop your bed up and elevate the pillow to prevent the dripping , and take an antacid before bedtime to cut down on your stomach’s acidity  

4. Use a large scarf  
Cool air can also trigger asthma , it is better to stay indoor, if it is not possible for you then make sure you keep your mouth and nose covered when going outdoors. When you have a scarf or mask covering your mouth and nose, you inhale warm and humid air.
5. Use air conditioning wisely
Don’t run the car’s  air conditioning on the setting that draws in outside air and cools it,outside air brings with it pollen and cool, pollinated air is bad for asthma, set your car air conditioner on the RE-CIRCULATE or maximum setting, which won’t bring in pollens.
6. watch your food
Some food like milk, eggs, nuts and seafood can trigger asthma attack. If you’re asthmatic learn which foods can trigger an attack and avoid them, even smelling the food you are sensitive to can bring on  an attack.
7. Be careful of table salt
In a study conducted at the Department   of community medicine of St Thoms’s hospital in London, researchers discovered that table salt could have a life-threatening effects on your asthma, a strong correlation was found between table salt consumption and asthma mortality in both men and children
8. Use paracetamole instead of aspirin
For some asthmatics, taking aspirin could have life-threatening consequences , use paracetamole as pain reliever instead of aspirin
9. Use vitamin B6
Research shows effectiveness of vitamin B6 in asthma it reduce the severity of asthmatic attack, daily intake of 50 mg. of vitamin B6 is sufficient enough to fight asthma, but the approval of your physician is mandatory before  using B6.  


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