Monday 30 July 2012

Blood pressure( BP.) also called Hypertension  typically refers to the arterial pressure of the systemic circulation. During each heartbeat, blood pressure varies between a maximum (systolic) and a minimum (diastolic) pressure. The blood pressure in the circulation is principally due to the pumping action of the heart. Differences in mean blood pressure are responsible for blood flow from one location to the other in the circulation. The rate of mean blood flow depends on the resistance to flow existing by the blood vessels. Mean blood pressure decreases as the circulating blood moves away from the heart through arteries, capillaries and veins due to viscous losses of energy. Mean blood pressure drops over the whole circulation, although most of the fall occurs along the small arteries and arterioles. Gravity affects blood pressure via hydrostatic forces (e.g., during standing) and valves in veins, breathing, and pumping from contraction of skeletal muscles also control blood pressure in veins.
The remedies below are designed to help those with mild hypertension attain good control over the condition.
1. Loss your weight    
Over weight people tend to have three times as much hypertension as people of normal weight.
20% weight above your body mass index  is where obesity starts. However with relatively minor amounts of weight loss, one can see a measurable fall in blood pressure, so if you are on hypertension reduction in your weight will tend to control your problem.
2. Avoid Salt  
Table salt (NaCl) shoots your blood pressure up, people with high blood pressure should refrain from it, once you try refraining from it for a couple of months you will notice that you didn’t need that much salt that you used to consume

3. consume more of potassium.
Increased level of potassium may be valuable in helping control high blood pressure
Dr. Webb of university of Vermont belives that the total amount of potassium you consume isn’t as important as maintaining the correct sodium/potassium ratio
In your diet he believes that there is a clear benefit when you get three times as much potassium as sodium. If you are on low salt diet and getting 2 gm of sodium( 2 gm of sodium equals 5 gm of table salt) per day, then you should get 6 gm of potassium.
Potatoes, fresh fruit and fish are loaded with potassium 

4.Avoid isometrics exercises, instead Try aerobic exercise    

Exercise may reduce hypertension but isometric exercises such as weight lifting must be avoided. Because weight lifting exercises may cause blood pressure to shoot temporarily.
While numerous studies have shown the beneficial effects of aerobic exercises on high blood pressure.
The reason exercise works is that it forces the blodd vessels to open up and that makes the blood pressure come down.
Swimming walking and bike riding are all good exercises for hypertension. Remember walking is better than running

5. talk less 
 It may seem strange to some people but researchers at the university of Maryland discovered that speaking can cause blood pressure to increase by 10 to 40%, with hypertensive people shower the greater increase., so if you are hypertensive don’t sky rock your BP. With too much useless talks, always speak when it  is necessary                       


Saturday 28 July 2012

     9 ways to cope with Asthma 
Asthma means twitchy airway, Dr.Peter creticos who is an allergist from Maryland says your bronchial airways suddenly contract, you fell tightness in your chest , tou become a short of breath, and you cough and wheeze.
According to Dr. William ziering, a Fresno, California Allergist in the under 40 age group, probably 90% of asthma is triggered by an Allergy, trees, grass pollens, weeds and animal fluff, house dust mites and mould are the biggest allergic triggers for asthma . after 40 it is triggered  mostly by some form of long disorder such as emphysema.
But you don’t need to ansulate your self  in a vaccum from all of the causes of asthma mentioned above you can fight it the natural way as follow,
1 Stay out of smoke-filled rooms  
People with asthma should abstain from smoking if someone in the house smokes, it leads to worsening of asthma, people with asthma should make sure the proper ventilations in their rooms especially in winter.  
Wood stoves and fire places can cause significant trouble for people with asthma if you must make a fire, be sure the wood stove and chimney are airtight in order to reduce the amount of particulates released in to your room- and your lungs also.
3. Take an Antacid at bed time  
Your full stomach might also feed your asthma during your sleep. Asthma can be caused by stomach reflex- a condition in which acids backs up in to your oesphagus from your stomach, your stomach contents may leak out a little and drip down in to your airway while you’re lying down, Prop your bed up and elevate the pillow to prevent the dripping , and take an antacid before bedtime to cut down on your stomach’s acidity  

4. Use a large scarf  
Cool air can also trigger asthma , it is better to stay indoor, if it is not possible for you then make sure you keep your mouth and nose covered when going outdoors. When you have a scarf or mask covering your mouth and nose, you inhale warm and humid air.
5. Use air conditioning wisely
Don’t run the car’s  air conditioning on the setting that draws in outside air and cools it,outside air brings with it pollen and cool, pollinated air is bad for asthma, set your car air conditioner on the RE-CIRCULATE or maximum setting, which won’t bring in pollens.
6. watch your food
Some food like milk, eggs, nuts and seafood can trigger asthma attack. If you’re asthmatic learn which foods can trigger an attack and avoid them, even smelling the food you are sensitive to can bring on  an attack.
7. Be careful of table salt
In a study conducted at the Department   of community medicine of St Thoms’s hospital in London, researchers discovered that table salt could have a life-threatening effects on your asthma, a strong correlation was found between table salt consumption and asthma mortality in both men and children
8. Use paracetamole instead of aspirin
For some asthmatics, taking aspirin could have life-threatening consequences , use paracetamole as pain reliever instead of aspirin
9. Use vitamin B6
Research shows effectiveness of vitamin B6 in asthma it reduce the severity of asthmatic attack, daily intake of 50 mg. of vitamin B6 is sufficient enough to fight asthma, but the approval of your physician is mandatory before  using B6.  


Tuesday 24 July 2012

6 ways to fight arthritis

 Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints. A joint is the area where two bones meet
Arthritis involves the breakdown of cartilage. Cartilage protects a joint, allowing it to move smoothly. Cartilage also acts as shock absorber, when pressure is placed on the joint, such as when you walk. Without the normal amount of cartilage, the bones rub together, causing pain, swelling (inflammation), and stiffness.
Some of the potential causes of arthritis are
·         An autoimmune disease (in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue)
·         Broken bone
·         General "wear and tear" on joints
·         Infection, usually by bacteria or virus
Following are some natural tips to fight arthritis natural
Lose weight
If you are overweight and you lose weight, it will reduce a significant amount of the stress and pain you feel in your spinal column, knees, hips, ankles and feet   . the reason is: the more overweight you are, the more stress and pressure you place on your joints. This increases the stress on the cartilage. Which interferes with bones. Thus increasing the incidence of inflammation, swelling and pain.
Exercise with water
Dr. Mollen says  water exercise are excellent your pain will signaficantlly reduced in water, and you become much more flexible in water than you are in air. Water exercises consist of waving, walking and bending motions performed in chest deep water. the  more advance movements are aquatics dance steps
Use ice to prevent pain
Apply ace packed in plastic bag on you affected joints for 10 to 15 minutes this is the cold treatment for this painful disease.
Fish oil
A report published by researchers at the Albany medical centre in New York, confirms the observation that patients with rheumatoid arthritis who took fish-oil capsules showed improvement in joint tenderness and fatigue.
Increase vitamin C  intake   
Dr.ROBERT H. DEVIS. Professor of physiology at the Pennsylvania college of medicine says that lack of vitamin C can aggravate arthritis pain and that strong doses of vitamin c can bring about regression of disease. A daily intake of 500 mg. vitamin c is sufficient to cure the problem.
Carrot juice
Vegetable juice fast significantly reduce arthritis pain especially carrot juice, many arthritis doctors like Dr. Mollen prescribes carrot juice to their patients to relive arthritis pain    

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Natural Health tips and Remedies

Acne ..... natural tips for smooth skin 

imagine when you see look at your bathroom mirror and found yourself face to face with a huge pink dot on the end of your nose. this is not a good way to begin the day.
Acne is really a catchall term for a variety of symptoms such as pimples and whiteheads
it is a condition where the pores of the skin becomes clogged and the person get inflamed and non-inflamed lesions.
here are some natural ways that will keep your skin clean and your skin pores open to minimize your susceptibility to acne.
In women make-up is the major factor in acne out break specially the oil based make-up because oily make up is the derivative of fatty acid which clogs you skin pores and increase your susceptibility to acne.
use a non oil based makeup if you are susceptible to acne .
cosmetics products that contains lanolin, isopropyl myristate, sodium lauryl sulphate, laureth-4 and D & C red dyes should also be avoided. like oil, these ingredients are too rich for skin.
wash your make up off thoroughly every night
research indicates that certain birth control pills can aggrivate acne. if you are on the pills and have an acne problem, discuss it with your doctor, he may be switch you to another pill or prescribe another birth control pill. 
acne medications may cause adverse reaction to the sun. minimize exposure to sunlight,infrared heat lamps and sunscreen until you know how your skin will react. 
apply acne medication about half an inch around the affected area. because the medication really doesnot fight the pimple you already have, it act more like pimple preventive, acne moves across the face from nose out to the ear. you need to treat beyond the red inflammatory area . when you buy an OTC product, it says to apply it to the affected area. to some people the affected area is where they see the pimples. but that is not the case at all.  
 Drink 1-2 glass water in the early morning when you wake up. Water will keep your lymphatic system clean  

The five more useful ways to get rid of your pimples fast
1 Healthy Eating. One way to get rid of pimples fast is to eat healthy. Try to avoid eating foods that are rich in with sugar, saturated fats, and vegetable oils. Examples of these foods are sugary sodas, cakes, chips, fast food burgers and fries, chocolates, and other junk foods.
You should eat the food that includes whole wheat foods, lean meats (chicken breast, tuna, turkey), nuts, veggies, fruits, and other health foods.
2.  Another effective way to get rid of pimples fast is the use of garlic. To get the pimple fighting benefits of garlic, massage it on your face a few times a day for about a week. You will see a difference within a week of doing this.
3. Drinking water is another way to get rid of your pimples fast. Your body if loaded with toxins, which causes you to breakout. By drinking water, you will flush all of the toxins out of your body. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
4. Another effective way to get rid of pimples fast is the use of apricot juice. Apply some apricot juice onto the area of your body that has pimple. massage it in for 15 minutes everyday.
5. Toothpaste is another way to get rid of pimples fast. Apply toothpaste onto your pimples and allow it to stay there the whole the morning , wash it off. This is very effective at getting rid of pimples.
make certain you don't try  squeeze your pimples. That will cause your pimples to spread